In our June group email, we pose the Art Quiz question:
Leslie Cole was a war artist between 1942 and 1946. His painting Stirlings in Production depicts workers in an aircraft factory, but later he recorded scenes in newly liberated prisons and camps in Singapore and Germany. Which of the following artists – all of whom also worked as war artists and have paintings in The Wilson’s collection – depicted war work in the Glasgow shipyards:
a) Michael Ayrton b) William Rothenstein
c) Stanley Spencer d) Graham Sutherland?
The answer is:
c) Stanley Spencer, whose painting Village Life can be seen in the Friends’ Gallery. His 1940s images of war work in the Glasgow shipyards are now as well-known as his celebrated First World War murals in the Sandham Memorial Chapel, visited by the Friends in 2019.
To find out more about Leslie Coles’ painting of Stirlings in Production, click here.