Adventures in India: Curator to an Indian Princess by Helen Brown (Luncheon Club Talk 149)

Date(s) - 2nd Feb 2016

St Matthew's Church


HB01 copy reduced smJai Vilas smIn 2014 former Cheltenham curator, Helen Brown, spent a month working in an Indian Palace museum in Gwalior.  This talk focuses on her experiences there, from re-creating the palace kitchen to exploring the royal china collection, and along the way working with the museum curators and the Maharaja’s family.

Helen will also touch on the history of a remarkable city, with its Mughal Palaces and fort, and its close ties with the British Raj.

Venue: St. Matthew’s Church, Clarence Street, Cheltenham – opposite The Wilson

Time: Buffet lunch from 12 noon. Speaker 1.15 – 2.15 pm.  Cost: £15; talk only £8.

Booking forms will be sent out by post in January and should be returned with a cheque payable to FCAGM and an sae or email address to Jan Turner, Wold’s Edge, Station Road, Woodmancote, Cheltenham, GL52 9HN.

If you have any queries, ring Jan on 01242 674140.

Please note that this event is for Friends only.  To join us, click here for an application form.