The Friends’ Treasurer Keith Woodman is standing down in June after six years’ service, and we are looking for someone to take his place. Our ideal candidate
- should have experience of financial management and should be confident in working within the charity accounting guidelines, but doesn’t necessarily need to be a qualified accountant;
- should be willing to play a full role as a trustee (ie we don’t expect you to restrict yourself to the financial stuff);
- should be interested in setting up online payment systems for membership and events.
Does this sound like you or someone you know? You would be joining a friendly and effective committee (see Meet the Trustees) who would give you lots of support, and there would be a longish handover period with the current treasurer. Please contact our chair Hilary Simpson for an informal discussion if this role appeals to you, or if you know someone whom we might approach.
Click to see the Treasurer Job Description.