Date(s) - 21st Jun 2017
Municipal Offices
Our 33rd Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday 21 June 2017 at 6:00 pm for formal business at 6:15 pm in the Council Chamber, Municipal Offices, Promenade, Cheltenham.
Following the official business of the meeting, we will be showing a half-hour television programme called A day out: Cheltenham, which was originally broadcast in March 1985, the year after the Friends was founded. The programme includes footage of many Cheltenham landmarks, including the Art Gallery and Museum, and an interview with a youthful Steven Blake. Refreshments will be served after the film.
If you wish to stand as a trustee of the charity at the AGM, or to propose another member as a trustee, please download and print a nomination form or contact the secretary for a form. Return the completed form to the secretary (John Beard, Secretary, Friends of The Wilson, 15 Blackberry Field, Cheltenham GL52 5LT, email no later than 10 June 2017.
If you have any questions which you wish to raise at the meeting please send them to the secretary by 10 June so that a full answer can be given.
- Welcome from the President.
- The Chair to open the proceedings.
- Apologies for absence.
- To approve the minutes of the 32nd AGM, held on 30 June 2016 (copies available on the website, from the secretary and at the meeting).
- Chair’s report for 2016-17 (copies available on the website, from the secretary and at the meeting).
- To receive and, if approved, adopt the accounts to 31 March 2017 (copies available on the website, from the secretary and at the meeting).
- To approve the appointment of the Independent Examiner.
- To elect the Trustees.
- Any other business.